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 11% [ 2 ]
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 5% [ 1 ]
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 11% [ 2 ]
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 63% [ 12 ]
Total Votes : 19
Hi guys, this is Kaitzy >_<

Whoever that's not registered yet should register up on our forums! Please use your IGN to register so we know who you guys are. Once you do register, let me know if that's you that's reg'd up so I can confirm the account for activation! Any questions about the forum or problem using the forum, feel free to ask me

*hugs & kisses*
Kaitzy Twisted Evil
News & Events
Event Hosted by KaitzyStore is held on Saturday 6PM PDT (05/02/2009)

MCS is at 5PM PDT on saturdays
DCS is at 11AM PDT on sundays (i think? lol)

**If anyone would like to post events they are holding or awesome news they wanna post, let Kaitz know**

To register for our forums (Only EVOLUTION MEMBERS):
Please register with your IGN only or I will delete the account and make you register again. Furthermore, I will check with you just incase before activating your account. If you want it to go faster, just let me know when you register so I can activate it right away. Thanks
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